This is a game I made in my spare time while working for Wild Pockets in order to teach myself the development environment. It's a basic pachinko style game with one level. All coding done in Lua.
See the game in the Wild Pockets gallery
This is a game I made using assets in the Wild Pockets global library for the purpose of creating tutorials to show new Wild Pockets users how to create a game from start to finish, without the need to create their own models. I was in charge of writing a number of tutorials as well as managing two interns creating tutorials that I would proof read and edit to fit in our tutorial standards. All coding done in Lua.
Read the tutorial at the Wild Pockets Website
One of the projects I did at Wild Pockets was to create the model and animation exporter for Blender in order to allow users to utilize their 3D art in Wild Pockets without needing to pay for expensive modeling software. It's a single python script which allows a user to take their current model, specify parameters, and upload it to the Wild Pockets server.
Visit the Wild Pockets art exporter page to download the Blender exporter
For my final project in my college computer graphics class I decided to make a 3D park scene that you could walk around. It incorporated coding in basic objects, adding in some textures, and adding simple movement with WASD controls. Coding done in C and OpenGL.
Download the demo